Willpower and Fighting Spirit- DBZ Part 3

I’ve been talking about Dragon Ball Z lately, trying to understand what it did that made it so legendary in the anime community and whether or not it’s actually worth all the hype.

On that rabbit trail of a thought, I managed to uncover yet another important fact about this anime- DBZ gave anime its fighting spirit. The yelling and floaty pebbles and yellow hair and power auras are all to emphasize Goku’s energy, but they’re all manifestations of Goku’s will. Goku’s power is directly tied to his willpower; whatever he believes he can do, he can probably pull off.


Pulling through based on willpower alone is a staple in anime. It reaches to the core of what a lot of shonen (anime for teenage boys) is about- believing in yourself, and using that belief to accomplish your dreams. All the flashy effects and crazy screams are there to help the audience understand that Goku is straining to reach his new level of power. Translated to a more realistic message, it metaphorically embodies the struggle to believe in oneself. Just like Goku has to scream and concentrate beyond human levels, so too does that viewer have to reach new levels of power to accomplish his or her own dreams. It might sound corny, but Goku’s mission in defending Earth is intended to be an inspirational message to the everyday person. If Goku can beat up aliens and save the world, how hard can it be for you to accomplish your dreams?


Hundreds of anime have followed in DBZ’s footsteps and embraced this message as their own, including some of the biggest anime ever produced (Naruto’s “believe it” catchphrase is a fine example). Each has helped empower a generation to be their own person and reach the stars. It may strike many as hopeless idealism, but that hopeless idealism is what often makes the stories so endearing. Good beating evil and love overcoming hate are narratives that are easy to understand and support, and they’re important narratives to pass on. DBZ encapsulates those ideas and tells its audience that good actually stands a chance in the face of overwhelming odds.

More to come! Come back for regular updates!

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